A Lost History, A Murder Mystery, A Cosmic Revelation...
The sudden death of the Persian Emperor in 522 BCE is one of history’s great mysteries. Was his demise self-inflicted, accidental, an assassination or due to natural causes?
The author contends that during this incident Siddhartha Gautama may have been the leader of Babylon's Magi, an interfaith order that assumed governance of the region. The situation explodes when Darius the Great seizes the throne. Simultaneously the Magi Order is purged as Siddhartha, prince of the Saka nation, heads back east to the Indus.
Could this event have inspired the creation of Buddhism as a pacifist movement dedicated to the pursuit of self-transformation, goodwill, and universal compassion?
The Buddha from Babylon: The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddhartha Gautama uncovers new evidence that solves this ages-old mystery and uncovers Babylonian influences in the Buddha's revelations.
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Darius the Great stabbing a lion in the head echoes his coming to power by overthrowing a Lion-Sun "seer-stargazer" named Gaumata.
DOUBLE WINNER! The Buddha from Babylon has been selected as this year's WINNER of the
USA Best Book Awards (2014) in two categories: HISTORY - General (nonfiction) & RELIGION - Eastern Religions
Author Statement: Content Development & Literary Style
The Buddha from Babylon's literary style mirrors the mythological styling of ancient spiritual literature. It is a narrative built on a rich load of research evidence, archaeological, linguistic, and scriptural. While it is primarily a work of non-fiction, it also makes use of historical dramatization and interpretation to deepen the reader's experience.
As Joseph Campbell explained, across the world we find mythic stories of "the hero journey." Invariably, it's a journey of transformation through three phases: separation (from home), maturity (acquired through facing challenges), and return (becoming wise based on experience).
While the Buddha's journey is that of a hero, it also transcendent. It epitomizes the term "neti neti (neither this, nor that)," the key for gaining access into the paradoxical Buddhistgateway of the Middle Path. From that perspective, itself a reflection of Buddhist literature where meaning trumps fact, this book is neither strictly non-fiction nor historical fiction. It contains both aspects to some degree, integrating historical clues and derivative speculation for the sake of telling Universal Truth. In some respect, the writing blurs the strict dividing line of publishing's categorization in modern times.
The wide range and large scope of its subject matter required of this book to be a vessel of enlightened wisdom and a catalyst for readers seeking to transform their lives. This effort provides a complete arc of the Buddha's journey and a unified scope of his Enlightenment. It reveals him to be the proto-modern man, the first psychologist-cosmologist-philosopher-theologian. He represents the pinnacle wisdom of ancient spirituality that only now can we begin to more fully appreciate.
The author intends to inspire respect for the Buddha's advanced visionary sight, trigger conversations about our consciousness going into the future, and encourage people to fulfill their greatest personal potentials.
"Together we can build a bridge of harmony toward a healthy, compassionate future — a worldwide synergy of conscious people living in a variety of cultures, holding different beliefs, and exploring once hidden possibilities." — Harvey Kraft
The map of the Persian Empire during the lifetime of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama
Babylon's Gate of Ishtar
Deities, Spirits and Soul:
Exploring the Foundational Legacy of the World's Earliest Religious Beliefs
Today's major religious institutions—Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism—share the common view that their theologies were formed in isolation by their founders. But, in actuality, some of their notions regarding deities, spirits, souls, and the afterlife appear in earlier religions of shamanic, Egyptian and Mesopotamian origins.
The traditional biography of the Buddha claims that from birth he resided in today's India and Nepal. He is lauded by Buddhists for his awakening to Ultimate Truth, known as his enlightenment. His teachings describe how human beings can follow in his footsteps and turn suffering into freedom and joy.
This book explores the view that the foundation for his wisdom lies in mythic visions expressed by prior seers. The author finds evidence that links the Buddha to the Magi Order of Babylon, whose aspiration focused on figuring out the Truth of the Realty of All Existence — a cosmic theory of everything they had hoped would be acceptable to all religions.
This complete biography of the Buddha's journey of enlightenment offers this shocking revelation: Prior to achieving his boundless awakening the Buddha had been a philosopher and seer in Babylon. Well versed in the mythic language of cosmic symbolism, as expressed from shamanic times through the earliest religious cultures, he was an expert educated on Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Judean, Vedic, Brahmanic and Persian theologies.
Sumer/Akkad, Egypt, Babylonia, India, Medes, Elam/Persia, Judea/Israel, Assyria, and Greece.
Buddha and his Buddhist followers; shamans, seers, prophets and Magi; various kings from Egypt to Persia, includng Darius the Great and other Achaemenid rulers; and the wisdom teachers of Vedism, Jainism, Brahamism, Judaism, and Zoroasterianism.
Buddha face, Temple Mes Aynak, Afghanistan
Scope, Nature and Essence:
Discovering the Reality of All Existence Through Cosmic Visions
Buddhism proposes that all of existence is a dynamic super-system that is boundless, ever-changing and purposeful.
Its teachings, called the Buddha-Dharma, were initiated by its founder, Siddhartha Gautama (565 - 485 BCE). Some 2,500 years ago, he was the legendary prince who became the Buddha.
This book proposes that he had been the royal scion of the Saka-Scythians, followers of the Arya (Lion-Sun seers) tradition. In the 6th C. BCE they were settled in an area that today ranges from Iran to Afghanistan.
After his lifetime various cultures from India to China and Southeast Asia embraced and adapted Buddhism. It developed a diaspora of believers, a host of self-transformation practices, and multiple ecclesiastic scenarios.
As a tree trunk is to its branches, Buddhism's varieties all rely on the Sage of the Saka, known as Sakamuni, as the source of the Teachings. But his personal story may have been lost in the folds of history, hidden til now!
Coming out of Babylon, the Buddha provided an enlightened view of humanity's struggle — we are on a grand journey of transformation unconsciously in pursuit of higher consciousness! Known today through the survival of scriptures written in mythic language, his sutras reveal the cosmic scope of Existence and shed light on practices the ancients used for scaling to higher levels of transcendent wisdom. The Buddha proposed that people, Nature (shared environment), and all of Existence were integrated in a symbiotic, yet transient dance of life...on a "dance floor" that exceeded the parameters of birth and death, space, time, scale or dimension.
Perhaps because the Buddha's spoken words and visions were compiled into written form many years after his passing, the bulk of academic analysis of his cosmic views suggests that the sutras were created in a later era. In other words, they are saying that the Buddha did not personally craft these views. By tying the cosmic visions of the sutras back to him in 6th C. BCE Babylon, this book builds a well-researched case for the view that he actually was personally responsible for the Teachings of Cosmic Buddhism.
1 Uncovers the homeland and career of Siddhartha Gautama before he becomes the Buddha
2 Reveals religious political roots of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India long before Islam
3 Defines enlightenment as the full potential of a human being
4 Unveils a super-infrastructure of Existence composed of Form, Formlessness and Desire
5 Names the true identity of Devadatta, the nemesis of the Buddha in Buddhist scriptures
6 Links cosmic visions in sutras with Mesopotamian star charts, sacred geometry, mythic symbols
7 Exposes exact point in history (3800 yrs ago) when domination of women became a religious mission
8 Explains human "software" that shapes who we are, why we think, behave the way we do
9 Solves the 2,500 mystery of the murder, coup and purge that put Darius the Great on throne of Persian Empire
10 Shows where the original tribes of Israel were taken by the Assyrian Empire
11 Probes a Buddhist sutra that speaks of resurrection, father, son, holy ghost, prodigal son
12 Predicts that humanity will achieve World Harmony by evolving to higher consciousness