Videos of Internet TV appearances
The Visionary Past Remerges As We Head Into A Visionary Future
Author Harvey Kraft interview with Stu Zimmerman of the RESET Channel.
A discussion of visionary foresight past, present and future.
One hour video. Published August 26, 2019
Commentary on historical findings revealed in the “Buddha from Babylon” by Historian Jason Reza Jorjani (9/2/2019 New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove)
Harvey Kraft discusses "The Waker" with host Coach Steve Thoth. Why does novel explores the universal quest for overcoming challenges and evolving to higher consciousness.
Recorded live March 9, 2017 on Conscious Evolution Media
TV Interview with author Harvey Kraft
@YouTube recorded Dec. 3, 2015 (1:19)
TV Interview via YouTube with author Harvey Kraft - Dec. 3, 2015, re the lost history of the Buddha, what is the scope of enlightenment? and the proto-psychological visionary Mind.
Interview on Circle of Insight with host Dr. Carlos Vazquez
Broadcast on the psychology website
Topic: A Different Look at the Buddha (30 min.) 3/17/15
Panel Discussion with Guest Commentator Harvey Kraft:
"Neuroscience, Freud, and the Buddha"
A conscious dialogue with Harvey Kraft and the Living Consciously-TV cast about Neuroscience, Freud and Buddha. CEM-TV...
"Consciousness is like the full spectrum of light...there's more to its range and scope than just the visible part...we should explore all the colors of the Consciousness rainbow.....The Buddha may have been the first psychologist. His model for the human mind included an Individual, Shared and Universal Mind....Freud suggested his Nirvana Principle in focusing on the individual...Jung on the collective mind ...Transpersonal Psychology on the cosmic mind and Integral Psychology, reflects the Buddha's threefold integration...When the three minds are in balance and our universal values are in charge, our individual, shared and cosmic self function in harmony." -- Harvey Kraft
Venerable Canberra Damita Public Officer, Spiritual Advisor for the Centre at Young-at-Heart Meditation Research Centre Incorp, Sidney Area, Australia (via LinkedIn):
"Most unusual discussion on Consciousness and the Buddha. Rare is it in this world of our to hear individuals talking about the philosophy and psychological aspects of the individual, collective groups and cosmic mind that is not the brain. The negativity in the World just dropped one notch. Whoopee!!!!!!" (Feb. 13, .2015)
Zahid Khalid Owner, SUN&FZ Associates, Pakistan (via LinkedIn):
"This is what today's globalized world needs to seriously consider Mr. Harvey Kraft: "Buddha's threefold integration...When the three minds are in balance and our universal values are in charge, our individual, shared and cosmic self function in harmony"...Nirvana Principle has been studied and discussed a lot but nobody has ever attempted its real universal application in any way because it is easy to discuss but very difficult to imagine it in its true form and apply it to rapidly globalizing world for putting it on the right track!" (Feb. 12, .2015)